Saturday, April 30, 2011

First Post!

Hey everyone.  I've wanted to start a blog for a while, and finally got an idea that I can feel good about.  This is mainly a blog to post my thoughts about Scriptures from the Bible, meditations, prayers, and interesting observations.  It's going to be a little bit of news commentary, a little bit of Bible study, a little political philosophy,but--God willing--all Truth.

The reason it's a mish-mash of topics is because I don't live life in separate compartments, but as a whole.  My faith in Christ affects my view on politics and philosophy.  My philosophy affects how I intellectually respond to the news.  My prayers are affected by what's going on in the world.  My observations affect all of these.  Compartmentalization of these mental processes isn't simple or logical, so I won't do it.

What I will do is write about what God reveals in Scripture, how He imparts wisdom to help me understand what I see, and the prayers I offer to God in response.  Thanks for reading.  Please follow by e-mail and comment frequently.

Oh, and feed the fish, too.

1 comment:

  1. I'm enjoying the blog Christopher!
